Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The contrastive approach and linguistic interference in written production in the teaching of French as a foreign language to French speakers “ The case of Libyan learners ”

« Le cas des apprenants libyens »


  • samiha sarar




Abstract :

The mistakes that FLE learners make , in our French departments in Libya ,

in an involuntary way when they use the word from the mother  tongue 

( Arabic ) to the French language .Our research addresses the comparison

between the syntactic characteristics and semantics of two  languages ,

(French –Arabic ) .On the other hand , we will study the equivalence

when they translate ; in particular Libya is non – French –speaking country

French remains the foreign language .The difference between the two

cultures is very clear .It is not always easy to characterize the specisicity of 

two different languages and also are not of the same origin so the  method  

of contractive and analytical linguistics allows us to  describe the properties

of  the  languages .    




How to Cite

sarar, samiha. (2022). The contrastive approach and linguistic interference in written production in the teaching of French as a foreign language to French speakers “ The case of Libyan learners ”: « Le cas des apprenants libyens ». Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 2(3), 208–222. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v2i3.111