Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The impact of sports on the family and family relationships


  • زينة وجدان المستنصرية
  • غادة محمود جاسم الجامعة المستنصرية / كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة




impact of sports, family, family relationships


The study aimed to reveal the impact of sports on the family and the tendency of children to practice sports at any age stage, as well as between the relationships between family communication and the extent of its contribution to the tendency of children towards practicing sports. Whenever the father or mother are sports practitioners, we also notice that the children have the same trend. Athlete and the family’s standard of living and culture have a significant impact on children’s inclinations to sports. The research sample consisted of (250) male and female students from Al-Mustansiriya University. This study relied on a questionnaire to measure the impact of sports on the family and its relationship among them. The descriptive approach was the most appropriate for our study. During the conduct of the study, we reached the following results - that there is a relationship between the impact of sport on the family and on family relationships, and there is also a relationship between the standard of living and culture of the family. Through the above, we find that the family environment and those who practice sports have an important role in cohesive family relationships, so we recommend the necessity of raising family awareness. We must exercise to create a healthy and disease-free society.



How to Cite

وجدان ز., & محمود جاسم غ. (2024). The impact of sports on the family and family relationships. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 442–450. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.302