Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The importance of archery and swimming in Islam


  • عقيل فيصل اهوير الزبيدي جامعة ميسان / كلية التربية الاساسية




sport; important; archery; swimming; Islam.


The Islamic religion encouraged many various sports which that, in the beginning of Islam, were so important because of the benefits they provided and achieved victories and gave power; such as: (riding, fencing, wrestling, running and walking…etc.). Also, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned and encouraged exercises through many verses and hadiths. The researcher shows there are two types of sports other than previously mentioned  sports, namely archery and swimming. In this paper, both of these types choice; based on hadith of The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): (teaching your sons archery and swimming), he didn't limited directing the Muslims to archery and swimming but he obligated to teaching sons archery and swimming. The purpose of teaching throwing is because of its importance in the life of the nation and because it distinguishes the practitioner among his peers in determining his goal and achieving it with great accuracy. As for the purpose of swimming, it is because of its importance in completing learning the sport and forming a strong society, as it activates and moves all the body’s organs during its practice. The directive of Islam and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) regarding the importance of exercise is not specified in the previous era only, but rather this directive continues throughout the ages. An important matter must be emphasized, which is not to abandon worship and religious obligations and postpone them in order to practice sports, because worship and religious obligations are duties while Exercising is an Mustahabb  thing (not obligatory).



How to Cite

الزبيدي ع. ف. ا. (2024). The importance of archery and swimming in Islam. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 510–522. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.308