Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Integration of psychomotricity in the rehabilitation of linguistic prerequisites in children with language delayFull name of the first


  • AMINA HOUARI Université de bejaia




psychomotricity; rehabilitation; language prerequisites; language delay.


The integration of psychomotor exercises in the rehabilitation of language prerequisites in children is crucial for speech therapists, who collaborate with psychomotor therapists to promote linguistic development. They employ various techniques, such as psychomotor relaxation to relax the body and mind, sensory integration methods to stimulate the senses and alleviate pain, perceptuo-motor activities in the form of games to encourage imagination and socialization, and finally, expressive and creative methods such as dance and singing to enrich expression and communication.



How to Cite

HOUARI, A. (2024). Integration of psychomotricity in the rehabilitation of linguistic prerequisites in children with language delayFull name of the first . Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 242–257. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.315