Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The culture of sport among women in Algerian society—a field study in the city of Constantine


  • َأمينة لطرش مركز البحث العلمي والتقني في علم الانسان الاجتماعي والثقافي




Sport; Culture; Algerian society; Women.


Applied aspects, where the culture of sport in society and the culture of sport among women were addressed in the theoretical side, and we adopted in this study a descriptive analytical method and a sample consisting of 40 women who were selected in a purposive manner and applied to them a questionnaire. What was achieved after analyzing and interpreting the results is Identify the main sports practiced by women in our society, namely aerobics, Zumba, swimming, hiking, gymnastics and basketball. To identify the main cultural and social factors that influence the culture of sports practice among women in Algerian society, namely the prevailing values about women's bodies, customs and traditions, and society's negative perception of the importance of women's exercise. To identify the main reasons that motivate women to exercise, namely fitness and beauty, overweight, stress and tension relief, as well as some diseases that require exercise. Despite the results obtained, it should be noted that they are specific to the three cases studied and cannot be generalized. Finally, we propose some recommendations: Provide specific sports facilities for women. Provide a safe and comfortable environment for women to exercise. Promote a culture of physical activity among women through educational programs to increase awareness of the importance of sport for women's physical and mental health.

Author Biography


Dr.BOUGUETTOUCHA Imene Lecturer in psychology

Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Abdelhamid Mehri University of Constantine2



How to Cite

لطرش َ., & BOUGUETTOUCHA Imene. (2024). The culture of sport among women in Algerian society—a field study in the city of Constantine. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 558–575. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.333