Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The Legal Framework for Combating Doping in Sports Competitions: In International and Algerian Legislation


  • غنيمة ركاي جامعة علي لونيسي - البليدة 2
  • أمينة حليلالي جامعة علي لونيسي - البليدة 2




Doping, Sports Competitions, Prohibited Substances, Drugs, Periodic Monitoring


Athletes often seek to improve their physical capabilities and excel in sports competitions, sometimes resorting to performance-enhancing drugs, a controversial practice since the mid-19th century. Doping remains widespread, threatening the integrity of sports by violating ethical standards, endangering athletes' health, and undermining fairness.

 In response, international agreements and collaborative efforts have been established to combat and criminalize doping. These initiatives focus on raising awareness about the dangers of doping, conducting tests, enforcing penalties, and supporting athletes to avoid such practices. Doping grants unfair advantages to violators, conflicting with the values of integrity and honor in sports. Key anti-doping strategies include stricter penalties, education on the harms of doping, and robust international cooperation. These measures aim to uphold sports integrity and athlete safety, utilizing advanced detection technologies and enhancing oversight at all levels.

Author Biography

أمينة حليلالي, جامعة علي لونيسي - البليدة 2

أستاذ محاضر .أ - قسم القانون العام بكلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية 



How to Cite

ركاي غ., & حليلالي أ. (2024). The Legal Framework for Combating Doping in Sports Competitions: In International and Algerian Legislation. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 1106–1128. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.340