Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Mountaineering as a place of self-discovery and encounter with the Other in Amélie Nothomb's "Ni d’Eve ni d’Adam."


  • Ahmed Amine Mimouni Université Badji Mokhtar - Annaba
  • Aziza Benzid Université Mohamed Khider - Biskra




Sport; Ni d’Eve Ni d’Adam ; Japon ; Alpinisme.


The purpose of this contribution is to demonstrate that in the novel by Belgian Francophone writer Amélie Nothomb, sport, particularly mountaineering and the ascent of Mount Fuji, holds an importance that transcends mere physical and athletic achievement. It reaches the realms of mysticism, national identity, and the ancestral perpetuation of traditions, ideals, and collective values. This contribution will also aim to show, through the character Amélie, that this physical and identity "feat" of climbing Mount Fuji is not confined to the Japanese sphere but rather adheres to an inclusive logic towards other identities and cultures.



How to Cite

Mimouni, A. A., & Benzid, A. (2024). Mountaineering as a place of self-discovery and encounter with the Other in Amélie Nothomb’s "Ni d’Eve ni d’Adam." . Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 742–755. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.341