Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The Role of Sports in Enhancing Citizenship Values among Youth


  • kaouther ziada abdelhamid mehri univercity




Citizenship, Youth, Sports


The scientists have estimated the importance of sports and the human need for it since ancient times, and the role it plays in maintaining physical and spiritual fitness through various physical activities, exploiting the motives of this natural activity to develop the individual's organic and harmonious aspect, as it plays a fundamental role in shaping the individual psychologically, physically, socially, culturally, and nationally in order to instill the spirit of nationalism and achieve social cohesion. Based on the role that sports practice plays in building the individual's personality by developing their abilities and athletic talents, in addition to modifying and changing their behavior to suit the needs of society, it is an opportunity for young people to develop new skills and continuously improve their physical

and mental levels, enhancing the spirit of challenge and readiness for continuous learning, which is essential for effective citizenship. Practicing sports encourages working with a team to achieve common goals, and teaches young people how to interact and cooperate with others positively, and this is what we will address in this study.

Keywords: Citizenship, Youth, Sports.



How to Cite

ziada, kaouther. (2024). The Role of Sports in Enhancing Citizenship Values among Youth. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 400–417. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.342