Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The legislative framework for contracting insurance against the risks of sports practices – a comparative study


  • ايناس مكي عبد نصار جامعة بابل




legislation - insurance contract - risks - compensation - sports practices


       The insurance contract plays a major role in achieving development and prosperity for the state, especially if its subject is the sports aspect, as it is considered an advanced step by which the athlete guarantees his rights. Today, sports are not just an activity practiced by individuals who are interested in sports, but rather have become a professional activity with scientific and artistic foundations, but the truth is that sports competition It may be marred by some sporting accidents that result in risks and damages, whether caused by the athlete himself, or by others. Therefore, creating legal texts that guarantee the rights of the athlete and define his duties is considered important, and one of the aspects of protection for this is concluding an insurance contract that enables the injured party to refer directly to the insurer to collect the insurance amount after Verify the elements and conditions of the insurance contract.



How to Cite

مكي عبد نصار ا. (2024). The legislative framework for contracting insurance against the risks of sports practices – a comparative study. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 1075–1094. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.357