Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Challenges of Sustainability of Investment in Sports Infrastructure in the Algerian Economy from an Analytical Perspective


  • حياة سعيد المدرسة العليا للتجارة




Investment, sustainable investment, sports infrastructure, Algerian economy.


This research study aims to explore and analyze the challenges facing investment in sports infrastructure and ways to sustain it in the Algerian economy, by analyzing data issued by the competent authorities in Algeria, and national, Arab and international reports, through a predictive, forward-looking view. Today, the sports industry represents one of the modern trends in developing the Algerian economy and diversifying it outside the hydrocarbon sector. The sports sector budget increased in 2023 to reach 62 billion dinars after it was only more than 45 billion dinars in 2022. It reached nearly 124 billion dinars in 2024. The sports infrastructure has witnessed remarkable modernization and development in recent years, reaching 5564 activities in 2022, and 36 billion dinars were allocated to complete and rehabilitate the sports infrastructure for 2024. However, the efforts made and which have recently appeared noticeably remain small for the size of a country like Algeria.



How to Cite

سعيد ح. (2024). Challenges of Sustainability of Investment in Sports Infrastructure in the Algerian Economy from an Analytical Perspective. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 875–891. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.367