Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Genetic and environmental factors affecting the regeneration of living tissue in athletes


  • زينب قاسم محمد حلو جامعة بابل /مركز ابحاث الحمض النووي
  • وفية شاكر عبد الحسين كلية الطب /جامعة كربلاء




tissue regeneration, athletes, injuries, exercise, genetic factors, environmental factors.


This study aimed to review the genetic and environmental factors affecting the tissue regeneration process in athletes, which are essential for maintaining body functions and repairing injuries they suffer frequently. Intrinsic genetic factors include DNA repair genes, inflammation genes, muscle growth genes, and endurance genes, while environmental factors include nutrition, sleep, training, and stress. This research aims to understand the mechanisms that contribute to the process of tissue regeneration in athletes and how they can improve this process by following a healthy and balanced lifestyle.



How to Cite

قاسم محمد حلو ز., & شاكر عبد الحسين و. (2024). Genetic and environmental factors affecting the regeneration of living tissue in athletes. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 1146–1159. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.370