Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The Relationship between Sports and Biorhythm among middle school students


  • zena ali Al-Qadisiyah University, College of Arts




Keywords: Sports, Biorhythm.



            Sports play a prominent and vital role in improving the biorhythm, which scientific evidence has proven to be a good stimulant for improving mood, improving sleep quality, improving concentration and thinking, as well as getting rid of negative charges stored in the body that can cause diseases and health problems. The current research aims to identify the correlation between sports and biorhythm among middle school students, and to achieve the research objectives, the researcher applied my scale to a sample of (100) male and female middle school students for the academic year (2023/2024), and after collecting the data and processing it statistically using the bag. Statistics for the Social Sciences (SPSS), the research reached the following results:

  1. Middle school students tend to practice sports, and this result is a positive indicator for the sample members.
  2. Middle school students tend to have a daily biorhythm, which indicates that the sample members are characterized by a daily morning biorhythm.
  3. There is a positive, positive correlation between sports and biorhythm among middle school students.

Based on the results of the current study, the researcher recommends the following:

  1. Interest in studying biorhythms so that individuals know their abilities and potentials.
  2. Activating the role of sports and extracurricular activities and involving students at all educational levels, because sports play a role in improving the physical, mental and psychological abilities of individuals


  1. Conduct a study to determine the correlation between sports, biorhythm, and social intelligence among university students.
  2. Conduct a study to determine the correlation between biorhythm and achievement motivation and their relationship to personality traits among university students.
  3. Conducting a study to determine the correlations between sports and self-esteem among female university students.




How to Cite

ali, zena. (2024). The Relationship between Sports and Biorhythm among middle school students . Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 43–60. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.379