Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

sports as a means of prevention from life diseases


  • Maroua Mammeri Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University Institute of Physical Education and Sports, Mostaganem




Physical activity, Prevention, Treatment,


     Our daily lives are becoming less physically active, the average energy consumption increases, creating a surplus in it. Consequently, we are seeing an increasing number of people suffering from overweight, which is a strong cause of health problems. This paper explores the multifaceted relationship between sports participation and disease prevention, emphasizing both physical and mental health benefits. Despite the well-documented advantages of regular physical activity, participation in organized sports can also present risks, including injury .This analysis aims to examine how sports can serve as a preventive measure against various diseases while addressing the associated challenges that may hinder their effectiveness.




How to Cite

Mammeri, M. (2024). sports as a means of prevention from life diseases. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 1319–1326. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.384