Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Semiotics of the impact of sports on the visual arts


  • Kaddour ABDALLAH-TANI Professeur
  • زكريا عبد الله ثاني جامعة وهران 1 أحمد بن بلة، الجزائر




Semiotics, sports, arts, cultural identity, visual arts, cinema.



 This research paper reviews the dynamic relationship between sports and visual arts from a semiotic perspective, highlighting the mutual influences between them. The study aims to analyze how movement and physical interaction are used in sports and visual arts as a means of expressing thoughts and feelings. In addition, the paper explores the role of sports and Visual Arts in motivating and inspiring the public, by highlighting success stories, visual aesthetics and sportsmanship. The paper also addresses how sports and visual arts can be used to express individual and collective identity and culture, focusing on national and cultural themes. She demonstrates how sports and visual arts can influence the public and society; contribute to the formation of socio-cultural views. In conclusion, the analytical results highlight the importance of a deep understanding of the interrelation between sports and visual arts, and promote a comprehensive understanding of the impact of this relationship on human and cultural experiences.



How to Cite

ABDALLAH-TANI, K., & عبد الله ثاني ز. (2024). Semiotics of the impact of sports on the visual arts. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 845–874. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.388