Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The impact of professional stress on job satisfaction among physical education teachers in secondary schools in the state of Chlef - A field study at the level of secondary schools in the state of Chlef.


  • Lakhdar Bouali Hassiba Ben Bouali University, chlef, Algeria
  • بن رقية عابد Hassiba Ben Bouali University, chlef, Algeria
  • عبد العزيز ادرنموش Hassiba Ben Bouali University, chlef, Algeria




occupational stress, job satisfaction, male and female physical education teachers, secondary school.


The study aimed to assess the level of occupational stress experienced by physical education teachers and its impact on their job satisfaction, as well as its effect on reducing their physical and professional activities, in addition to examining the differences in these occupational stresses among them. To achieve this, the study was conducted on a sample of (91) male physical education teachers in secondary schools in the state of Chlef, Algeria. And (47) female teachers, making a total sample of (138), representing physical education teachers in secondary schools in the state of Chlef who work as permanent teachers at the level of the Ministry of Education in the state of Chlef. After applying the occupational stress scale and the job satisfaction scale, which are measurement tools in the study.

       After applying the occupational stress scale and the job satisfaction scale, which are measurement tools in the study, and completing the research procedures, and through the use of appropriate statistical methods, the results were summarized as follows: The level of occupational stress experienced by (male and female) physical education teachers is high and negatively affects their job satisfaction level. The level of stress experienced by male physical education teachers is higher than the level of stress experienced by female physical education teachers. The job satisfaction level of male physical education teachers is lower than the job satisfaction level of female physical education teachers.

Author Biography

Lakhdar Bouali, Hassiba Ben Bouali University, chlef, Algeria

الأستاذ الدكتور بوعلي لخضر، معهد التربية البدنية والرياضية، جامعة حسيبة بن بوعلي، الشلف، الجزائر



How to Cite

Bouali, L., عابد ب. ر., & ادرنموش ع. ا. (2024). The impact of professional stress on job satisfaction among physical education teachers in secondary schools in the state of Chlef - A field study at the level of secondary schools in the state of Chlef. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 576–594. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.269