Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Football and the art of sports commentary in the Arabic language - stylistic features and future prospects


  • عبد النّور حميدي مركز البحث العلمي والتّقني لتطوير اللّغة العربيّة- الجزائر/ وحدة البحث تلمسان




Flags; Linguistic, Arabic Language;, Sports commentary;, football;



This scientific paper aims to study the language of athletes in describing football matches and its role in spreading the classical Arabic language and in spreading sports awareness among various Arab popular circles.

One of the most important results reached in this research is that sports commentary is a journalistic type with an intellectual nature, directed primarily to the mind of the reader based on explanation, criticism, and analysis. It is important in enriching the Arabic language with many linguistic terms and expressions, despite some existing negatives. The success of a sports commentator has conditions, the most important of which are: talent, possession of the art of public speaking and tone of voice, and the quality of his scientific and academic training.

Keywords: football; Sports commentary; Arabic Language; Flags; Linguistic styles



How to Cite

حميدي ع. ا. (2024). Football and the art of sports commentary in the Arabic language - stylistic features and future prospects. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 756–777. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.270