Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The new global trend of physical sports phenomenon sociological reading on the societal impacts and functional dimensions of sport


  • mohammed elhadi kaci sociology




The phenomenon of sport, the new direction of the phenomenon of sport, the functional dimensions of sport.


    Through this study, we would like to build a wide-ranging sociological vision to understand the phenomenon of sport across various historical stages and to understand the reasons for its rapid development, especially in recent years and in light of the development of modern life, the growth of modern technological means, and the increase in human needs, sports are now viewed in a new way other than the usual stereotype.

   As a result of these major transformations, we would also like to know the most important functional dimensions of sport in the entity of individuals and societies, as well as reading about the new global trends in the phenomenon of sport and its penetration into new spaces, sectors, and interests that we were not accustomed to in the past, including the development of a comprehensive sociological vision from several complex scientific angles to understand each one. Separately, including giving a summary of the most important interpretations at the point of convergence of these scientific trends and interrogating them in terms of theories of general sociology and in terms of the principles and foundations of the sociology of sport in particular.

Keywords: The phenomenon of sport, the new direction of the phenomenon of sport, the functional dimensions of sport



How to Cite

kaci, mohammed elhadi. (2024). The new global trend of physical sports phenomenon sociological reading on the societal impacts and functional dimensions of sport. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 298–321. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.273