Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Opportunities And Methods For Developing Sports Tourism In Alegria


  • عمار مبروكي جامعة قسنطينة 2 عبد الحميد مهري
  • عبد الغاني قتالي جامعة العربي بن مهيدي أم البواقي- الجزائر-




sport, tourism development, sustainable development, culture.


The intervention aims to reveal the reality of opportunities and methods for developing sports tourism in Algeria. This is done by revealing the role of sport in the development of local and international tourism and in the promotion of sports culture.

 The descriptive approach was used, and the research resulted in several results, the most important of which is

- Algeria is full of significant material and human tourism resources which have not yet been exploited

- The absence of a clear strategy to exploit the diversity of natural and human resources

- The need for coordination between the tourism sector and other sectors to achieve integration and achieve the desired objectives.



How to Cite

مبروكي ع., & قتالي ع. ا. (2024). Opportunities And Methods For Developing Sports Tourism In Alegria. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 972–989. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.275