Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The reality and prospects of the establishment and development of sports contracting institutions in Algeria.


  • djilali hassini جامعة برج بوعريريج
  • مصطفى بن رامي جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي برج بوعريريج




sports entrepreneurship ; sports sector ; sports professionalism ; entrepreneurial culture.


This study aims to find out the extent of the contribution of start-ups emanating from entrepreneurial projects in supporting sports entrepreneurship in Algeria, as sports entrepreneurship has a key role in pushing the wheel of sustainable development and activating the knowledge and digital economy of the country, as a mechanism that allows young people, especially university students specializing in physical activities and sports, to create sports entrepreneurial projects.

       The results obtained in this study show the importance of sports entrepreneurship in Algerian society, and that these entrepreneurial projects in physical and sports activities are still young and in their early stages, despite the great efforts made by the state to support and accompany sports entrepreneurial projects through financial and technical support, in addition to the lack of orientation of university youth towards sports entrepreneurship due to the lack of entrepreneurial culture and intention, despite the state attaches great importance to Entrepreneurial Thought and its dissemination as a specialty or as a standard in all universities of the country.



How to Cite

hassini , djilali, & بن رامي م. (2024). The reality and prospects of the establishment and development of sports contracting institutions in Algeria. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 1362–1385. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.284