Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Sports


  • Youcef benbicha University Mustapha benboulaid Batna-2
  • اسلام مرزوقي جامعة الشهيد مصطفى بن بولعيد باتنة 2
  • عبد المجيد فريتيح جامعة الشهيد مصطفى بن بولعيد باتنة 2




Technology; Artificial intelligence; Soprt


Technology has played an increasingly important role in the sports industry over the past decade in which it updated the field experience of players, teams and leagues, these developments revolutionized the way games are identified and played such as VAR video assistant referee technology, Heat mapping and technology led to significant progress in determining player performance and level such as GPEXE technology. As AI enters the sports field, it can be summarized in the following eight key areas: training programmes, point and betting forecasts, health applications, tactical strategy and transfer identification, governance decision support systems, AI playing sports and e-sports - journalism, wearable technology and sensor data. This close collaboration between technology and artificial intelligence shapes the future of sport by fundamentally changing the experience of both athletes and fans. Besides technological innovations, sport has the ability to provide a more efficient, effective and entertaining experience. But there is a need for an approach that balances this evolution, as this close collaboration between sport and technology in general must be managed from a perspective that attaches importance to ethical values and human factors.



How to Cite

benbicha, Y., مرزوقي ا., & فريتيح ع. ا. (2024). Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Sports. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 921–933. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.286