Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

International and national anti-doping mechanisms in the protection of health and sports human rights (Algeria model


  • محمد حساين جامعة عبد الحميد ابن باديس -مستغنم-




Steroids - Drug - Legislative Texts - International Anti-Doping Agency


The phenomenon of doping receives great attention both nationally and internationally, as a negative feature that may change the nominal objective of exercising, by which sport loses its integrity and morality in which it attempts to disseminate to athletes whatever their qualities, age and aspiring audience.

For this reason, States, in conjunction with international mechanisms and individually in accordance with their legislative texts, have tried to create dead hoarders and texts to curb the use of such drugs through international federations and the World Anti-Doping Agency, through the promulgation of the International Convention against Doping in coordination with UNESCO. The Algerian State has adopted a legislative system and legal mechanisms to combat doping in sports in general, in line with international standards.

So what are the international mechanisms and thickeners adopted in the fight against doping in the sports field? As a sports leader, is Algeria urging national balloons and legislative texts to curb this phenomenon? Have they been instrumental in this or are they just mechanisms that have not been able to keep pace with the scientific development of stimulants and drugs?

Keywords /Steroids - Drug - Legislative Texts - International Anti-Doping Agency






How to Cite

حساين م. (2024). International and national anti-doping mechanisms in the protection of health and sports human rights (Algeria model. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 1095–1105. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.296