Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Sports tourism and its role in supporting sustainable tourism development in Qatar A pioneering experience in the Middle East and the world -The FIFA World Cup as a model-

La Coupe du Monde de la FIFA comme modèle-


  • Hicham Benazza المركز الجامعي النعامة
  • محمد أمين بومديني جامعة ابي بكر بلقايد –تلمسان-




sports tourism, ecotourism, sports events in Qatar, sports facilities in Qatar, sustainable development JEL classification Z2, Z32:


This study aims to highlight Qatar's experience in investing in sports tourism through its reliance on an effective strategy, which made it considered one of the most successful international models due to the multiple and diverse capabilities and facilities it has. It has organized many major sports events such as the Asian Games in 2006 and the 2006 World Cup. World Football Championship in 2022 will attract millions of tourists, thus challenging all natural obstacles, especially the climate, on the one hand, and adopting the principles of achieving sustainable development on the other hand. Tourism development contributes to diversifying the national economy in line with the Qatar National Vision, and the sector’s contribution to the gross domestic product is expected to increase to 10% by 2030.



How to Cite

Benazza, H., & بومديني م. أ. (2024). Sports tourism and its role in supporting sustainable tourism development in Qatar A pioneering experience in the Middle East and the world -The FIFA World Cup as a model-: La Coupe du Monde de la FIFA comme modèle-. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 990–1014. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.307