Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The sports activities practiced in kindergarten and their role in child growth

Toward a proposed sports educational approach


  • رفيقة بوخالفة جامعة محمد الصديق بن يحي جيجل
  • samir University of Ghardaia - Algeria




Physical education, child, kindergarten, educational curriculum.


       Nurseries and kindergartens play an important role in preparing and preparing the child for the next stage, and activities based on play represent the most focused activities in accredited educational curricula, in line with contemporary educational theories that emphasize play as one of the most essential needs and expressions for children in this age group.
However, many forms of play practiced by children in kindergartens can pose a significant risk to their physical, psychological, and social well-being, as they may not be suitable for their physical development and mental awareness within this age group, which can sometimes lead to deformities, disabilities, or psychological trauma that may affect them for the rest of their lives.
Therefore, the aim of this study is to propose an educational approach for preschool sports practice that works to achieve healthy growth for the child in all these aspects.



How to Cite

بوخالفة ر., & oubbiche, samir. (2024). The sports activities practiced in kindergarten and their role in child growth: Toward a proposed sports educational approach. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 595–611. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.309