Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The reality of the specialized application for the first time for the material of physical education and academic in the Algerian elementary school for the material curriculum- a case study in the city of Setif-


  • loubna koussa جامعة محمد لمين دباغين سطيف 2




Keywords: specialized application, physical education and sports subject, Algerian primary school.


Through this study, the researcher aimed to determine the reality of the specialized application of physical education and sports in the Algerian primary school after the creation of the position of a specialized professor for the subject, between what is hoped for in the subject’s curriculum and what is reality from the standpoint and experience of a professor of specialized application in the city of Setif. It followed the descriptive approach, and relied in collecting data on a comparison between the curriculum of the subject for the years 2016 and 2023, to extract the new curriculum, and a directed interview to collect data on the reality of the application, and the results concluded that teaching the subject had previously experienced difficulties related to all areas (the curriculum ((the teacher, the learner, the means, the spaces of practice), and thanks to the adoption of the specialized application of the subject, many of them have been overcome, starting from the ability to read the curriculum and apply it, to the ability of the learners to adapt to the activities and take care of those with special needs, and the formation of positive trends towards practicing material shares and finally achieving the annual exit feature of each level, in addition to getting rid of the material difficulties of providing the means and spaces of practice relatively, and in various formal and informal ways, while pending the completion of the state for its own program to ensure With it.




How to Cite

koussa, loubna. (2024). The reality of the specialized application for the first time for the material of physical education and academic in the Algerian elementary school for the material curriculum- a case study in the city of Setif-. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 1386–1410. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.331