Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The history of baseball in the United States of America 1845-1919


  • hoda Elsayed New Valley University




baseball, Knickerbockers Club, national pastime, professionalism, stadium.


     Baseball is one of the traditional American sports with a long and rich history in the United States of America. The history of baseball in the United States dates back to the nineteenth century. However, historians disagree about the origin of the game and its true history in general. Baseball was initially given different names: it was called city ball or town ball, it was called round ball, and it was called baseball. The game began with men who loved to play the game as a hobby or entertainment in their free time, then it turned with time to the professional level and many clubs were established to hold matches between professional teams. The sport of baseball within the United States of America was affected by the conditions of its time in terms of discrimination between the black and white elements of the United States population during playing and holding matches. The sport was also affected by the presence of capitalists who worked to benefit from the sport of baseball to increase profits. With time, baseball gained international strength and fame. Then baseball began competing in international tournaments, such as the 1903 World Series.



How to Cite

Elsayed, hoda. (2024). The history of baseball in the United States of America 1845-1919 . Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 685–712. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.334