Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The linguistic and terminological structure of the language of sports media through the Algerian newspaper Al Haddaf.


  • nedjoua meghaoui universite de boumerdes




sports, sports journalism, sports terminology, football, Al-Hadaf newspaper


The language of sports media is a media outlet that addresses broad audiences of various categories and cultural levels, and therefore it was the most followed and attracted to this category. Hence, it seeks to achieve the aspirations of its readers through the use of simple language with distinct artistic pictorial characteristics at the compositional level, which is clearly embodied in the news. Written or spoken mathematical comments and articles are also unique in terminological characteristics that often intersect with a number of sciences, specialized knowledge, and various semantic fields.

        Noting that these characteristics differ from one sport to another, which gives the sports term a unique structure, we will try to research it by focusing on football terminology - in particular - as it is one of the most popular and interactive sports among young people in particular.



How to Cite

meghaoui, nedjoua. (2024). The linguistic and terminological structure of the language of sports media through the Algerian newspaper Al Haddaf. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 799–814. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.337