Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

A study on the psychometric changes of the job satisfaction scale of a professor of physical education and sports


  • khireddine benkherrour جامعة البليدة2
  • Maryam Mabrouk جامعة البليدة2




Psychometric; job satisfaction; , professor; physical education.



This study aimed to reveal the psychometric changes of the job satisfaction scale for the professor of physical and sports education with the accessories of the city of Messila, and to achieve that the basic stage of the research was presented by submitting the original scale to 40 respondents, and after the passage of 3 weeks from the first application was applied again in a random manner to each of the original scale, and The six images of the scale so that the type of alternatives in it were different from pictures, words, numbers and symbols, and the results of the study concluded that: The type of response alternatives affects the sincerity of the results of the attribute measurement (job satisfaction for a professor of physical education and contentment).

Author Biography

Maryam Mabrouk, جامعة البليدة2

مبروك مريم استاذ التعليم العهالي بجامعة البليدة2



How to Cite

benkherrour, khireddine, & Mabrouk, M. (2024). A study on the psychometric changes of the job satisfaction scale of a professor of physical education and sports. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 612–630. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.360