Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Sports practices as a protective and treated for young people on social media

il n y a pas


  • ليلى وناس جامعة محمد بوضياف بالمسيلة
  • منير قندوز 2جامعة محمد بوضياف بالمسيلة / الجزائر




social networking sites, addiction, school sports, sports practice


Our intervention aimed to identify or determine the truth about whether it is one of the most important solutions that protect societies from various problems, illnesses, or social phenomena such as addiction, for example. We find that sports practice is a preventive and therapeutic solution to this phenomenon, and we have focused in this attempt on a new addiction whose name matches the phenomenon. However, only its form has changed, which is the phenomenon of today’s youth’s addiction to social media, in the age of the Internet and electronic progress, which made this solution yet the most appropriate for this phenomenon, which has imposed its control on all age groups for all members of societies. We have allocated the youth category because all sociologists consider them to be human capital for the progress of societies. Therefore, this category must enjoy sound physical, psychological and mental health in order to perform this function. In our intervention, we have allocated this school sports practice because it actually has a result if it is carried out in the proper manner at the beginning of the individual’s life. She contributed to his upbringing, as she considers it to be an impenetrable fortress that can protect this child from the various afflictions that fall upon him. We have come to confirm the fact that school sports practice is a preventive and therapeutic solution to reduce or eliminate young people’s addiction to social networking sites.



How to Cite

وناس ل., & قندوز م. (2024). Sports practices as a protective and treated for young people on social media: il n y a pas. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 146–168. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.371