Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The sports phenomenon and its relations with politics


  • fatima bouazza Ibn Khaldoun University Tiaret
  • الزهرة ناصري جامعة ابن خلدون- تيارت




: sport – political effectiveness – international relations – Middle East.



This research paper aims to study the multiple and renewed forms of the relationship between sport and politics, through the sometimes more innovative political attempts of government intervention in sport. On the other hand, there are also a number of situations in which sport has played a constructive role. contributions to the resolution of political problems, that is, trying to discover to what extent sport opens up a set of opportunities and capabilities that the political field and international relations use to serve its interests, and the most important political function of sport is to control and direct public opinion, show the effective face of the government and finally contribute to the process of state building. Sport is also considered an element of social reality and is strongly linked to the political and economic system to which it belongs. In addition, it is linked to the power structure in society, reflects the ideology of that society and contributes to its expansion and strengthening. It has a major impact at the national and international levels, and this is explained by theories of international relations. However, the global political and sporting complexities go beyond these schools of thought, which have necessitated further studies by a group of experts. However, these studies also do not provide a real framework for thinking about the problem, and thus the study of international relations does not leave us with clear answers about the relationship between sport and international relations.


Keywords: sport – political effectiveness – international relations – Middle East.



How to Cite

bouazza, fatima, & ناصري ا. (2024). The sports phenomenon and its relations with politics. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 934–943. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.381