Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The nature of women’sfamilyupbringing and its impact on practicing sports inside and outside the educational institution - a fieldstudy -


  • حليم مصطفي جامعة أبو القاسم سعد الله الجزائر -2-
  • كريمة بن دراج




family, socialization, family culture, sports, social role.


Children grow up in their families and absorb daily values, standards, and behaviors from their parents, especially from the mother, as she is the first person the child comes into contact with before the rest of the family members. The fact that the girl is more attached to the mother, which makes her the only one who always imitates her various behaviors, since her childhood, which lies in household chores through play, which is one of the means of expression through which the girl imposes her role within the group of comrades. In most cases, girls tend to play games that do not require much physical effort. Upon reaching the legal school age, the girl joins the educational institution, where the physical education class is included in this institution’s weekly programs, where the girl begins learning the alphabet of sports, at all levels. However, some school girls prefer not to engage in physical sports activity by submitting a medical exemption certificate, from On their own or with the help of some parties, whether inside or outside the family. While the percentage of girls practicing sports decreases when it comes to sports clubs, because the freedom of the girl is limited compared to



How to Cite

مصطفي ح., & بن دراج ك. (2024). The nature of women’sfamilyupbringing and its impact on practicing sports inside and outside the educational institution - a fieldstudy -. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(04), 472–485. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i04.395