Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Law is a social phenomenon (there is no society without law): Study in the light of Algerian law


  • فهيمة بلول كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية- جامعة عبد الرحمان ميرة - بجاية-الجزائر
  • فتيحة مقداد




fahima BELLOUL, Faculty of law and political science University of Bejaia- Algeria


         Legal sciences constitute one of the most important sciences whose rules have been formed and nurtured with the existence of man, as he is a living being who needs law because it is a social phenomenon. There is no room for living in a society that is not governed by a law that regulates its various human, social, moral, and administrative relations...etc.

         Talking about law as a social phenomenon is manifested through the method of forming legal rules that are the product of a primitive society until they turned into legal rules enshrined in the various constitutions of countries and their internal laws, noting that each sovereign state has the right to set laws that it sees as serving the community and protecting its rights. while respecting the international dimension.

         Returning to Algerian law, we note that it is inspired by the customs and traditions of Algerian society, which took root and grew up until the competent authority, intervened to establish official legal rules that are binding in application under penalty of penalty.

        Through this research paper, we seek to shed light on the importance of the legal base in society and its role in protecting people’s rights and freedoms, while highlighting the role of legalization in establishing general and abstract legal rules that are binding on the application by the addressees, with the study focusing on the role of positive law in protecting rights and freedoms.In light of the Algerian legislation.

Author Biography

فتيحة مقداد

أستاذ محاضر قسم "ب"




How to Cite

بلول ف., & مقداد ف. (2022). Law is a social phenomenon (there is no society without law): Study in the light of Algerian law. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 2(3), 186–207. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v2i3.100