Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Basic standards for the origin and development of science Arabic and Islamic


  • دلال الفيتوري قسم التاريخ جامعة بنغازي
  • Reem Al-Shalmani University of Benghazi, Libya




standards, science, scientists, muslims, development


There are many standards that our Arab and Muslim scholars followed, which had an effective role in the development and spread of science among them is their love for learning, the availability of appropriate capabilities, and the caliphs, support for the scientific movement by establishing scientific councils, building educational institutions, supporting translation and transportation, and providing all means such as papermaking and copying books, which contributed to the flourishing of the scientific movement among Arabs and Muslims l will address these criteria in three sections

1-scientific Muslims. For Arabs and Muslims

2-the role of the caliphs in supporting and providing these standards

3-the role of these standards in the development of science, the science of surgery as a model

My goal in this study is to show Arab and Muslim scientists who are effective in enriching science with evidence that Islamic origins development it has witnessed l will follow the historical- analytical narrative method to narrate and analyze the events, to emphasize through them the role of Arabs and Muslims in the emergence and development of science. 



How to Cite

الفيتوري د., & Al-Shalmani, R. (2024). Basic standards for the origin and development of science Arabic and Islamic . Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(02), 366–381. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i02.224