Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The role of heritage and tourism in achieving sustainable development in Algeria


  • belkacem Amadj mouloud mamri tizi ouzou




Cultural heritage, tangible and intangible, tourism


This study aims to introduce the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, as the tangible and intangible heritage is one of the components of increasing social cohesion, belonging, and the national cultural identity of any country. A nation that is proud of its heritage and antiquities. These accumulated individual and collective legacies, such as poetry, handicrafts, and antiquities, are an essential part of the components of the history, present, and current future of that nation. Tangible and intangible heritage has a significant impact on development programs. Development programs in a society are greatly influenced by the nature of heritage, and any plans that do not take into account such a dimension must end in a dead end and with limited results.



How to Cite

Amadj, belkacem. (2024). The role of heritage and tourism in achieving sustainable development in Algeria. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(02), 449–456. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i02.253