Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Contemporary Algerian Scholars and Their Contributions in Islamic Sciences: “Sheikh Mohammed Bay Boulalam as a Model”


  • Oussma Thabet Sekhri Akli Mohand Oulhadj Bouira University




Ijtihad, Algerian scholars, contemporary, Mohammed Bay Boulalam.




This study, titled 'Contemporary Algerian Scholars and Their Contributions in Islamic Sciences: Sheikh Mohammed Bay Boulalam as a Model,' aims to shed light on the role of contemporary Algerian scholars in serving and enriching the field of Islamic sciences. The study addresses two main topics, with the first part focusing on exploring the concept of Ijtihad (independent reasoning) in Islamic sciences, including its nature, rulings, and the conditions related to the Mujtahid (scholar engaging in Ijtihad). The second part seeks to enhance knowledge about the life and contributions of the prominent Algerian scholar, Mohammed Bay Boulalam. This section specifically examines the scholarly endeavors he made in the service of Islamic sciences.

   This study serves as an attempt to understand and highlight the significant contributions made by Algerian scholars in developing religious concepts and promoting the scientific understanding of Islamic sciences. The findings include the recognition that Algeria is rich in dedicated scholars in Islamic sciences, among whom Sheikh Mohammed Bay Boulalam stands out as a scholar deserving of learning from and engaging in the study of his scientific heritage.



How to Cite

Sekhri, O. T. (2024). Contemporary Algerian Scholars and Their Contributions in Islamic Sciences: “Sheikh Mohammed Bay Boulalam as a Model”. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(02), 382–401. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i02.254