Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The role of narcotic cultures in threatening community security - A socio-legal field study in Palestine

جامعة الاستقلال اريحا


  • رؤوف ابوعواد جامعة الاستقلال




The role of narcotic cultures in threatening societal security - a social field study in Palestine



The study aimed to identify the role of drug cultures in the threat of

community security in the Hebron governorate from the point of view of the police personnel, where the sample consisted of 57 members of the police force. The study found that the role of drug cultures in the threat of community security in the Hebron governorate from the point of view of police personnel was high, and found that there are no differences in the role of drug cultures in the threat of community security in the governorates The study also showed that there are statistically significant differences in the role of drug cultures in the threat of community security in the Hebron governorate from the point of view of the police personnel due to the variable years of experience. Were experienced between less than 5 years and experienced with 5-10 years and had differences in favor of experienced 5-10 years in which their arithmetic mean was higher. The differences were between those with less than 5 years of experience and those with experience of more than 10 years. The differences were in favor of those with more than 10 years' experience. The researcher recommended that the focus be on the subject of drugs through the dissemination of awareness and targeting programs Fear of being dragged into this scourge, and that cooperation between the media and education will be held in order to hold sessions that will be broadcast directly on drug issues. And that the media strengthen their drug-treatment programs, especially towards the family, to guide them in dealing properly with this phenomenon.




How to Cite

ابوعواد ر. (2022). The role of narcotic cultures in threatening community security - A socio-legal field study in Palestine: جامعة الاستقلال اريحا. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 2(2), 17–47. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v2i2.54