Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Language Acquisition and its Multiple Ideological and Conceptual Origins


  • أمال قانة جامعة طاهري محمد بشار




اللّغة، الاكتساب اللّغوي، تعدّد أصوله الإيديولوجية والمعرفية(نظرياته).


Language acquisition is one of the most important processes that attracted scholars and researchers interest in educational psychology and paved the way to many scientific perspectives. Language acquisition starts in childhood in the form of an evolutive and developmental behavior. In this research paper, we shed light on the evolution of child’s language development in all its aspects. The obtained results revealed that there are differences in conceptual visions and representations. As to behaviorist theory, language is represented as a form of behavior, whereas transformational and generative theory emphasized on intellectual skills and the child’s creative capacity to produce grammatical sentences. Finally, the cognitive theory, made a totally different claim based on cognitive evolution.




How to Cite

قانة أ. (2022). Language Acquisition and its Multiple Ideological and Conceptual Origins . Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 2(01), 259–271. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v2i01.78