Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The importance of Islam in increasing the self-efficacy of the clinical psychologist


  • عبد المجيد طهراوي جامعة أبو بكر بلقايد تلمسان




Islamic religion, clinical psychologist, self-efficacy


Abstract : 

      This study aimed to clarify the importance of religiosity in the religion of Islam in raising the self-efficacy of the clinical psychologist, based on a set of field studies that examined the difficulties suffered by this specialist within the Algerian society, which discovered that the largest percentage of these difficulties are related to the personality of the specialist and the degree of his self-effectiveness. The results showed that the teachings of the Islamic religion are compatible with the ethics of the clinician's profession, which is the cornerstone in order to increase his self-effectiveness.



How to Cite

طهراوي ع. ا. (2022). The importance of Islam in increasing the self-efficacy of the clinical psychologist. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 2(5), 80–92. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v2i5.158