Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Using the mobile learning method in education

mobile teaching style


  • هالة عبد الامير البدران وزارة التربية - تربية الكرخ الثانية




تعليم جوال, تعليم نقال, اسلوب تعليم منتقل


(The aim of the current research is to clarify a cartoon educational method represented by mobile education and its use within the education process in general and in preparatory schools in particular. The researcher used the descriptive approach due to its suitability for the research procedures. The current research is determined by the Directorate of Education of Baghdad / Karkh II, the method of mobile education, middle school students, and the academic year 2020 AD. The research community included the sixth grade preparatory female students of the scientific and literary branch who are continuing to work within the academic year 2020 AD, and their number is (347) students. Represented by a closed questionnaire consisting of 5 questions about the students’ use of mobile education during the educational process, and the results reached by the research were the students’ use of mobile education by a very high percentage in the educational process. At the end of the research, the researcher put conclusions, recommendations and proposals).



How to Cite

البدران ه. ع. ا. (2022). Using the mobile learning method in education: mobile teaching style. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 2(5), 17–33. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v2i5.161