Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

The Importance Of Ergonomics Applications In Multigrade Classrooms’ Space


  • صباح زعاف مخبر تحليل السيرورات الاجتماعية والمؤسساتية، جامعة عبد الحميد مهري قسنطينة -2-
  • Djenidi Rouag Abla




Ergonomia ; Classroom; Multigrade Classrooms ; Space Management.


Abstract: Researchers argue that managing multigrade classrooms presents significant challenges compared to single-level classrooms. Effective learning within these classrooms requires tight organization in various dimensions, including preparing shared spaces, arranging equipment and educational aids, and ensuring proper use. The process of building learning and competencies, following up on learning, and deepening knowledge requires utilizing space in line with the educational process. Both learners and professors must embody school ergonomics as an applied science in multigrade classrooms through specific indicators to ensure quality performance and outcomes. This involves incorporating school ergonomics into the classroom space to ensure the quality of performance and outcomes.

  Keywords : Ergonomia ; Classroom; Multigrade Classrooms ; Space

Author Biography

Djenidi Rouag Abla


-Director of the Laboratory for the Analysis of Social and Institutional Processes (Lapsi)

-Responsible of quality assurance



How to Cite

زعاف ص., & Abla, D. R. (2024). The Importance Of Ergonomics Applications In Multigrade Classrooms’ Space. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 4(02), 238–246. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v4i02.239