Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Modern text and contemporary text in the algerian educational curricula ''intermediate education as a model





Modern text; Contemporary text; text approuch; education; learning.


     Learners in the age of scientific transformations should keep up with developments in various aspects of life and open up to the culture of the other, but with caution, awareness and reason, and these hoped ways that modern and contemporary texts can contribute with great luck provided that the purpose is chosen from them, which is in line with the rapidscientific mouvement. What is the point of including these modern and contemporary texts in the Algerian educational curriculum?

     How are these literary texts taught in the Algerian educational system?  Are these texts, modern and contemporary enough to put young peopele from our children on the scientific and technological path in which the world is undergoing occasional transformations?  This is what we will try to study in this research paper. 


Author Biographies

djamel kadri, مؤلف

باحث دكتوراه متحصل على الماجيستير ، أستاذ اللغة العربية لدى وزارة التعليم العالي

ahlem silini, مؤلف

باحثة دكتوراه




How to Cite

Mobarki, W., kadri, djamel, & silini, ahlem. (2022). Modern text and contemporary text in the algerian educational curricula ’’intermediate education as a model. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 2(01), 44–71. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v2i01.70