Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research

Functional combustion paradigm: Interpretations of exploitative organizational structure


  • ismahane beloum university batna




functional combustion, workplace bullying , workload alienation commitment., expatriate commitment to work


Functional transformation, alienation commitment, and organizational senselessnessare serious apprehensions that predict the imbalances that have become the main feature of organizational behavior of working women -as a response to the chronic emotional distress that leads to emotional stress, lack of personal competenceand interest in the human dimensions in developing coping strategies.  This has led to the emergence of the phenomenon of functional combustionwithin the organizational pathology map,sincethe coordinated functional and empirical context makesindividual, family and organizational tests as well as thinking-explanatory approaches reveal the disruption of managerial, humanitarian and psychological capacities of female workers.The functional combustionin its conceptual contexts has an intense semantic content, as if it has essentially a displaced status. It changes and adapts to systemic situations that are difficult to separate from each other, andthereby serves as a description of a situation resulting from the roleambiguity -role conflict - and the workload -work environment- that reveals workplace bullyingaspects and reflecting more oppressive and oligarchic practices that make the active groups -working women- passive agents that areunable to dispose freely of their activities and their movements.



How to Cite

beloum, ismahane. (2023). Functional combustion paradigm: Interpretations of exploitative organizational structure. Wisdom Journal For Studies & Research, 3(02), 69–89. https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v3i02.187