The Mountain In The Region Of Algharb From The Historical Dimonsion To The Geographical Discrimination


  • الرافع الألي uojaw
  • Dr. Abdellatif Abouricha Ibnu tofail University in kenitra


Mots-clés :

The mountain, the plain, the Arab region, marginalization, civilization


        In the history of El Gharb area, the montain has a big symbolic and moral power, In fact, it is historically, politically and culturally of paramount importance. Hence, the mountain constitutes the backbone of the Gharb region. Thanks to its historical presence and the different roles it plays for the surrounding spaces and for hte whole area, the mountain participates strongly in shaping EL Gherb personality historically, culturally and economically peaking. In spite of these preiously mentioned advantages of the mountain, il has become marginalized and receives little care because of the accumulated countryside problems. Therfore, my purpose here is to show the difficult condition which the mountain in the region of EL Gharb suffers from, hoping that it could restore its respect and presonce.




Comment citer

الألي ا., & Abouricha, A. . (2021). The Mountain In The Region Of Algharb From The Historical Dimonsion To The Geographical Discrimination. Le Journal of Wisdom for Studies and Research, 1(2), 38–57.

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