Population Growth And Its Impact On Urban Land Uses In The Town-Region Of Al-Baydah In Eastern Libya, During The Years 2008 To 2016, Utilizing Geographic Information Systems And Remote Sensing Tools, And Selective Data Methodology


  • الرافع الألي uojaw
  • Intesar H .Efkirin Mohmmed Bin Ali –Sounoussi
  • Ibtisam A. Elmajie Misurata Universit
  • Magda J. Shauyb Higher Institute for Science and Technology



Mots-clés :

population growth, Al Baydah town, geographic information systems, urban land uses


The town of Al Baydah in eastern Libya has witnessed significant growth of its residential population, totaling approximately 276,055 people in 2016. In 2016 alone, the town's land area expanded to 35.12 square kilometers, thus gaining significant regional importance through rapid urban development and growth in terms of residential space and land use. This study aims at analysing the population growth and its impact on the change of land use in the case-study area and to read visible correlations between the underlying factors. The land uses had to be studied in line with population growth indications, using technology from geographical information systems and also remote sensing technology. The study was also based on the analysis and knowledge of the satellite surveillance apparatus "Land Sat" (TM 2008 - TM 2016), which was made available on the 'USGS' website (2008-2016). In general, analysis was completed on population growth and urban development within the prospective landmass. This consisted of follow-up on the study area's demographics – the magnitude of population growth/density, the urban evolution of the town within its surrounding boundaries, breaking down and classifying land uses of the study area, and finally drawing results/conclusions through the preparation of maps based on descriptive/qualitative and quantitative techniques and also approaches to the analysis of the available dataset.  One of the most prominent results deduced was the marked link between the development of land uses in the study area and that with population growth and spatial extension (per meters squared), with residential use markedly ranked first at the expense of other identifiable land uses in the town of Al Baydah.




Comment citer

الألي ا., H .Efkirin, I. ., A. Elmajie, I. ., & J. Shauyb, M. . (2022). Population Growth And Its Impact On Urban Land Uses In The Town-Region Of Al-Baydah In Eastern Libya, During The Years 2008 To 2016, Utilizing Geographic Information Systems And Remote Sensing Tools, And Selective Data Methodology. Le Journal of Wisdom for Studies and Research, 1(4). https://doi.org/10.55165/wjfsar.v1i4.45

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